A routine grocery trip turned into an unforgettable experience for a man who unexpectedly brought home an uninvited guest. Neville Linton, a 63-year-old man from Stourbridge, England, was shocked to discover a live snake nestled in his bag of broccoli days after purchasing it from an Aldi store. What began as an ordinary errand quickly became a story to remember, highlighting the unexpected hazards that can occasionally accompany our food supply chain.
Neville, an industrial cleaner, purchased the broccoli and stored it in his refrigerator without a second thought. It wasn’t until three days later, when he prepared to cook, that he uncovered the slithering surprise. “It was pretty frightening. I’m not good with snakes,” Neville admitted. “It’s lucky I didn’t just leave the broccoli out in the kitchen, or it would have been loose in the house.”
His concern wasn’t unwarranted. Neville lives with his disabled son and vulnerable mother-in-law, making the discovery all the more alarming. “That would have been a huge risk for us,” he said, clearly shaken by the ordeal.
When Neville unwrapped the broccoli and realized what he was dealing with, his first call was to his sister, Ann-Marie Tenkanemin. She quickly identified the creature as a snake. Together, they managed to contain it in a container and returned it to the Aldi store on Dudley Road. Neville recounted the reaction at the store: “I thought she was joking at first, but I backed off when I saw it start moving. The guy in the shop was pretty frightened too.”
The snake was then transported to a nearby zoo, where experts identified it as a juvenile ladder snake. However, Dr. Steven J R Allain, a herpetologist, later expressed skepticism about the zoo’s identification. After examining photos of the snake, Dr. Allain suggested it was more likely a viperine water snake, a non-venomous species native to southwestern Europe and northern Africa.
Dr. Allain explained how such incidents occur, linking the snake’s journey to the Mediterranean origins of much of the produce imported into the United Kingdom. “It is probable that the snake was moving across the field when it was accidentally picked up by agricultural machinery and subsequently sought shelter within the broccoli,” he said.
The snake’s journey—from a Mediterranean field to Neville’s fridge—was remarkable. While the cold storage likely slowed its metabolism, enabling it to survive without food, Dr. Allain noted the dramatic shift in environment. “I can’t imagine it would have been comfortable, especially the rapid transition from the warm Mediterranean climate to a chiller.”
Despite its harmless nature—viperine water snakes primarily eat fish and frogs and are known for playing dead as a defense mechanism—Neville’s fear of snakes made the encounter particularly distressing. Dr. Allain emphasized the importance of education in fostering a more positive reaction to such situations. “This must have been a distressing time for Neville, but his reaction could have been more positive through more widespread education and understanding of snakes. It isn’t the snake’s fault that it ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said. Dr. Allain expressed hope that the snake’s new home at Dudley Zoo would help dispel some of the fears surrounding reptiles.
While Neville is relieved the situation was resolved without harm, he feels the ordeal warrants proper compensation. Aldi offered him an initial settlement, but Neville believes it falls short of addressing the risks posed to his family. “It’s just not good enough,” he said. “The implications for us if it had got out in the house are huge. Plus, I’m phobic of snakes, so there’s the emotional impact of that too.”
An Aldi spokesperson addressed the incident, stating: “Our supplier has never had a complaint of this nature and has robust processes in place to prevent such issues occurring. We are investigating this isolated incident and have apologized to Mr. Linton that our usual high standards were not met.”
This extraordinary story underscores the complexities of modern food production and the unexpected challenges that can arise. Neville’s encounter serves as a reminder of the intricate journey our groceries take before reaching our homes and the occasional surprises that might accompany them. While such incidents are rare, they highlight the importance of vigilance, proper handling, and maintaining high standards throughout the supply chain.
For Neville, what began as a mundane trip to the supermarket ended in a tale he is unlikely to forget. Though unsettling, the experience also shed light on an unusual but fascinating aspect of our interconnected world—one where even a bag of broccoli can carry an unexpected story. As the snake settles into its new habitat at Dudley Zoo, perhaps it, too, can help bridge the gap between fear and understanding, proving that even the most startling encounters can lead to valuable lessons.